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Version: Unreleased 🚧



Install Botkube to the Mattermost team​

Follow the steps below to install Botkube in your Mattermost Team (v5.14.0).

1. Enable Personal Access Token​

Login with System Admin account, and in the Menu proceed to System console > Integrations > Integration Management and enable Personal Access Token.


2. Create Botkube user​

To create a Botkube user, if not already created, proceed to the menu and Get a team invite link. Logout from the admin account and paste the link in the address bar and create a user with the username Botkube.


You can also use a custom username for your bot. However, it needs to be passed during Botkube installation in one of the further steps.

Export the bot name as an environment variable:

export MATTERMOST_BOT_NAME="{bot_name}"


3. Manage Roles for Botkube user​

Login as System Admin, in the Menu, proceed to System console > Users. For Botkube user, Manage Roles and select System Admin role.


4. Create a Token for Botkube user​

Login as Botkube user, in the Menu, proceed to Account Settings > Security > Personal Access Token > Create and copy the token.


Export it as an environment variable:

export MATTERMOST_TOKEN="{token}"

5. Add Botkube to a channel​

Add Botkube user created to the channel you want to receive notifications in.

Export the channel name as an environment variable:

export MATTERMOST_CHANNEL="{channel_name}"

Install Botkube in Kubernetes cluster​

To deploy Botkube agent in your cluster, run:

export MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL={mattermost_server_url}
export MATTERMOST_TEAM={mattermost_team_name}
export CLUSTER_NAME={cluster_name}
export ALLOW_KUBECTL={allow_kubectl}
export ALLOW_HELM={allow_helm}

botkube install --version v1.2.0 \
--set communications.default-group.mattermost.enabled=true \
--set communications.default-group.mattermost.url=${MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL} \
--set communications.default-group.mattermost.token=${MATTERMOST_TOKEN} \
--set communications.default-group.mattermost.botName=${MATTERMOST_BOT_NAME} \
--set settings.clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--set 'executors.k8s-default-tools.botkube/kubectl.enabled'=${ALLOW_KUBECTL} \
--set 'executors.k8s-default-tools.botkube/helm.enabled'=${ALLOW_HELM}


  • MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL is the URL (including http/https schema) where Mattermost is running,
  • MATTERMOST_TOKEN is the Token received by creating Personal Access Token for Botkube user,
  • MATTERMOST_TEAM is the Team name where Botkube is added,
  • MATTERMOST_CHANNEL is the Channel name where Botkube is added and used for communication,
  • MATTERMOST_BOT_NAME is the Mattermost bot username (usually it is Botkube),
  • CLUSTER_NAME is the cluster name set in the incoming messages,
  • ALLOW_KUBECTL set true to allow kubectl command execution by Botkube on the cluster,
  • ALLOW_HELM set true to allow helm command execution by Botkube on the cluster,

Configuration syntax is explained here. All possible installation parameters are documented here.

Send @Botkube ping in the channel to see if Botkube is running and responding.

Remove Botkube from Mattermost Team​

  • Deactivate or remove Botkube user from Mattermost Team. Login as System Admin, in the Menu proceed to System console -> Users -> botkube -> Deactivate.
  • Archive Channel created for Botkube communication if required.

Remove Botkube from Kubernetes cluster​

Execute the following command to completely remove Botkube and related resources from your cluster:

botkube uninstall